Helping Fellow Mums Find Their AmazingME!



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I believe women are amazing and WE do not value ourselves enough. WE do not give ourselves time, love or encouragement to be our amazing selves.

Why did I create AmazingME?

Because this was me! I had a marriage, kids, husband, house and running a business to do, and my life and my health just seemed to fall apart. I wasn’t conscious of what I was doing, I was just too tired.

Once the kids were in bed I frequently had that ‘coming down the stairs ‘feeling where all I wanted was a cuppa and something nice! I was living off the wrong foods, not loving myself enough to change and not sleeping enough to have any energy to do anything about it!

And then I pulled myself together and got myself back on track. This was an experience I will never do again, I will never let my life run me, I am the driver and I am in control.

Since this experience I have talked to so many women who are living in the same way I was…trying to manage house, home and family, and losing their identity and love for themselves in the process.

AmazingME! is not only about my personal experience of being ‘there’, it enables me to share my professional knowledge and skills with those who really value them…

My Journey to Health…

My own personal journey has been a series of health issues which have brought me to where I am today. I came to Nutritional Therapy through my own experience of living with years of food intolerances and like everyone else I thought this was just me – this is just the way I am.

Constantly getting colds, carrying tissues around with me and many other symptoms that caused daily distress to my life. I had been working in IT for 10 years when I went in search of healing myself and came to study Nutritional Therapy.

I studied at the Irish Institute of Nutrition and Health, under Director Richard Burton. Richard has an uncanny talent for not only teaching you the principles of nutrition but inspiring you with unbreakable vision that he possesses for a healthy life. Together with his wife, Maggie, Director of Cooking, they make an incredible team to inspire anyone.

I learned so much from my time with the IINH Team, and I now call Richard and Maggie very good friends. The world is an amazing place if we choose to take a step forward…

Learning & Sharing the Knowledge…

It was life changing for me to think the effect that food had on me, my energy, my mood and the overall result of my life! Extremely substantial!

This information was just too important to keep to myself, I felt I needed to help others so I chose to build a business where I can have a massive impact on other mums’ health and their lives, and possibly even the next generation.

I am married with 2 beautiful little girls, this is another phase of learning a different type of nutrition, teaching the value of food to little ones.

I find the best coaches and educators have truly been through it all themselves; I certainly have and we never stop learning as our own lives change. There are so many remarkable teachers out there and I am honored to have met some of my favorites…

Patrick Holford is a leader in nutrition and health. He has written so many educational books, it is hard to pick a favorite.


It was lovely to meet Dale Pinnock this year, another leader in Nutrition and Medicinal Cooking.


It was a privilege to meet with and learn from the amazing Brian Tracey. His teachings on on how to live will far outlive many of us and are principles that will never date.


How I Work

I use a number of techniques, tools, skill-sets, laboratory testing and various scientific programs to help people achieve their goals, however the one thing beyond all of these, is an essential foundation of support, I offer the most important thing empathy and I listen.

I have learned that all the most amazing nutritional therapy, testing, supplements and food is absolutely no good if I cannot really listen, understand and actually know how to help a mum change her life.

For me this is the starting point with every single client I work with, having this incredible close relationship helps me transform a clients mindset and empowers them to change their life with the help and guidance of my support.

I love sharing information to as many people as possible so you can find me on all social media platforms, sharing health information and success stories.

I hope I can help you on your journey with some of the free information on this site. Feel free to look around and sign up to email list to get the latest news and recipes. Life is not always easy but let’s make it the best that we have.

Create the life you want to live, no one else will save us, so it is up to you and you alone to change. Make it so.