Helping Fellow Mums Find Their AmazingME!

Join AmazingME! Today

Do any of these sound uncomfortably familiar?


  • I am so fed up with feeling tired ALL the time.
  • If I could just get back to my pre-kids weight
  • Where’s my energy gone?
  • I can barely keep up with looking after everyone else, never mind myself.
  • Somehow the old me just disappeared!
  • I don’t know who I am anymore.

Imagine this instead…

Imagine if you had the energy to keep up with your kids, at their speed. Imagine not feeling tired anymore, or taking your frustration out on the kids. How would that feel?

What if you lost the extra weight you are carrying, and that flabby bit on your belly that just won’t seem to budge disappeared? Imagine if you could wear all the old/new clothes you’ve been saving for ‘later‘. How much would it mean to you to get your energy, your body and your life back?

But what’s the cost of NOT changing?

  • Will you keep on wishing your body shape and life was better?
  • Will you keep wearing those baggy clothes, just wishing you could be stylish again?
  • Will your relationship with your partner suffer, because you are not happy with yourself?
  • Will your health suffer in the long term because you haven’t looked after yourself?
  • Is this the message you want your children to learn from you about their bodies, their health and themselves?

Who is AmazingME! for?

tiredmummyAmazingMe! is a community of mums who are focused on getting their AmazingME! back… the person who somehow got lost between childbirth and lack of sleep.

There are some women who somehow manage to hold it all together but if you – like me – are someone who just disappeared between the cracks between work, marriage, kids, and all that was left was a shadow of who you once were, then AmazingME! is for you.

If you are tired of being tired, avoiding going out, sick and tired of the life you are living because you know there is more to life than this. Then AmazingME! is for you.

If you want to turn your life around before you feel it’s ‘too late’, get glowing health and feel like screaming out “AmazingME!” then this program is for you.

AmazingME! will help you reboot your life and support you through the journey of getting YOU back to being you.

Who is AmazingME!

HealthSuccessAmazingME! is a woman and mum who has taken control of her life by making some simple changes. She gets up in the morning with energy, and she opens her eyes with the purpose and vision of the amazing day she is going to create for herself, and for her family.

She eats a healthy breakfast and cares for her children, she enjoys the morning and goes about her tasks for the day. She already has dinner prepared, the laundry is organised and the house is clean. She makes time for herself to do exercise, she meets her friends and loves going out.

She holds her head high when she walks into a public place now – she is so proud of herself, who she is and how she has changed her life and now loves herself as a stylish, glowing and confident woman.

She doesn’t slip off track now like she used when things get tough – and even if she does, she knows how to get back on track without going into self destruct mode…her realtionship with food has completely transformed, those evenings of sitting down eating a whole bar (or two) of chocolate are long gone!

She surrounds herself with like-minded and like-hearted women who want her to succeed. She is AmazingME!

Does this sound like the kind of AmazingME! you want for yourself?

How AmazingME! Can Help

AmazingME! is an online program that nurtures and guides women who are finally ready to commit to themselves. This is for mums – new, in-between, or empty nest mums – who want more energy and who crave a healthier, happier, better life but who simply don’t have the energy or knowledge to start.

AmazingME! is a 8 week program which will help reboot you out of your bad habits and begin your journey of eating well, learning to love yourself, increasing your confidence, finding your own life again and living with incredible energy.

Once you join you get LIFE TIME access to the program and you can participate as often as you want and get ongoing education, accountability, community and support within the online private group 

How It Works

AmazingME! is a 8-week online video-based program, with hands-on support and group accountability. These are just some of the things you’ll learn:

  • Why what you’re doing/eating/drinking is making it harder for you to change.
  • The basics of nutrition and eating well.
  • Simple ways to control your blood sugar (probably one of the primary factors causing your sluggishness).
  • How to start planning your meals.
  • How to shop better, so you have the foods you need (and want to eat!).
  • What to do if you ‘fall off the bandwagon’ (and how not to in the first place).
  • How to love yourself more to commit to living your best.
  • How to create a life outside of your family where you are number 1!

As soon as you join, you’ll receive:

  • Access to 8 weekly modules via a private members-only section of our site. The modules are designed to give you knowledge, insights, clarity and help you change your bad habits.
  • The module content includes the following, and is released on a weekly schedule:
    • Online videos to give you simple, new ways to live and get a fast return on new habits
    • Meal plans – to give you inspiration and new ideas
    • Shopping lists – to make life simple and easy for you
    • Templates to make your own meal plans & shopping lists
    • Practical exercises, useful prompts and guidance
    • Personal and group challenges (fun!)
  • Direct support from me, as a member of the AmazingME! private group (on Facebook).
  • Membership of the AmazingME! group where you’ll find group accountability and support/friendship from fellow mums.
The benefits of this program are that you will feel completely different by the end of it, you will have created new habits for life, you will understand exactly how to create amazing energy for yourself, you will have ditched the slumpy feeling, you will have a vision for exactly what YOU want from YOUR life and you will have a clear plan and path of exactly how you are going to achieve it.
You will have gained an incredible understanding of how to design a lifestyle that gives you the life you REALLY want, in very simple and easy to follow steps. You will have a deeper understanding of weight, image and body confidence and over the 8 weeks you will have a healthy relationship with YOUR body.
During this 8 weeks your body will let go of weight as you get healthier, or if you have no weight to lose you will build up your strength and energy. You will understand how to make these 8 weeks changes last for life, what you are learning is not just for 8 weeks, you are learning skills that will last you forever.
And one of the great benefits of this group, once you purchase the 8 week program, you can join in again next time it is run. So you are not just investing in yourself for 8 weeks. You will have created a life of energy, health, wellness, and an incredible feeling of fun, life, love for yourself and your new healthy body. You will be the best that you can be, You will be your AmazingME!

And Just In Case You’re Wondering…

This is designed specifically for mums in mind which means it is not meant to add to your already hectic schedule. It does require you to participate and commit to action but it is my goal to make it as simple and quick as possible for you to achieve these changes.

All the resources are online and accessible in your own time, so there’s no requirement to be somewhere specific at a set day/time which I know can add extra pressure when you have little (or big) ones around!

Bonus Modules also included!

What Happens After the 8-Week Program

Once you have completed the 8 week programcourse, you will be a member of AmazingME! . This is where you can take what you learned in the 8 week Program apply it, improve upon it and keep learning and improving your life with support of some incredible ladies.

This means you’ll continue to have access my guidance, get group accountability and community support – as well as deepen and further your knowledge about how to be the best you, your AmazingME!

Investment For You

I am currently offering this program at a trial price of €97 (normal €297) this week only. So when you decide to join AmazingME! you will pay €97 . During your 8 weeks of AmazingME! you will get access to the 8 Week program that will reboot your diet, lifestyle and energy, then after the 8 weeks you will get FREE access to AmazingME! online group to get continued learning, support and accountability in AmazingME! to make sure you reach your goals, maintain them and be surrounded by people who want YOU to succeed. Once you have completed your 8 Week Program you can stay in the AmazingME! as long as you feel you need support once you are in you are in for life or you can leave anytime if you feel you have got what you need from it. So once you buy you will not only get the 8 week program that will transform your life you will also get updates and bonus programs that I gift to AmazingME! members.

Trial Price with Life Time Access

This is a limited offer to introduce AmazingME! so get all of the above
for an initial payment of €97 for AmazingME! for lifetime access!*

If you feel YOUR time starts NOW, love yourself enough to make this one change and join AmazingME! today…

What Other Mums Say…

Jennifer Ryan – Self-employed, busy Mum

JenniferAfter_pink“I loved the interaction, support and information. Because it was all online, it made it so easy. I could really relate to Martha because she is a busy mum too. She made everything seem attainable and achievable.

I lost weight, inches, gained more energy and not only did I achieve all this (and ran a 10K) – my family are now eating better. One of the best things I got was time for me, I had forgotten about myself and now I realise I’m important too. Happier mum makes a better mum and wife! P.S. Since working with Martha I haven’t had a gallstone attack.”

Catherine O’Sullivan, Physiotherapist and Mum

CatherineOSullivan2_pinkMartha helped me reclaim my zest for living life and loving me. As a busy working mother it’s all too easy to fall into a routine of eating convenience food and exercising less and less because you feel you don’t have time.

However by joining Martha’s online program I quickly learned that it doesn’t really take much more time to eat very healthily -you just need to get more organised. As I started to eat better I found I was also inspired to get back exercising and now regularly attend the gym. Interesting how I now have time even though there are no more hours in the day!

Through her constant online support and encouragement I have lost weight, changed my body shape and improved my skin condition,and regained some me time. I’m getting a big head from all the compliments I’m getting! I wore a bikini on holidays and didn’t feel self conscious. So genuinely a big thanks Martha xxx”

Kornelia, Busy working Mum

Kornelia_pinkI didn’t drink a single sip of coffee this month, I can’t believe it myself! I think I never managed to stay off caffeine for so long in the last 12 years :) Even at work I am not so tempted to drink coffee anymore, I bring my juice every day and drink herbal tea.

Back then it seemed like a huge effort, but I think I just needed this time to change the way I think and get used to these new habits. It wasn’t my aim to lose weight, but I did lose 3kg since January, and more importantly I feel better :)

I still feel that my biggest success is teaching my son these healthy habits. I also improved my cooking habits, and collected lots of recipes that are gluten, dairy and sugar free :)

I am very grateful to you, Martha. I thank you for everything you have taught me so far. This year is the most successful year for me health-wise and that is thanks to you!